Family Support
Intensive Family Support Program
When children are found to be in need of protection as defined by the "Child and Family Services Act" Intensive Family Support services are offered to reduce risk and build on family strengths. The intent of the "Intensive Family Support" program is to provide services to high risk families with children in their home and community. Its purpose is to prevent children, who are identified as "at risk", from being removed from their home and place in care. Intensive Family Support also assists in the reunification of children with their family whenever safe and possible.
The Aims of the Service
To prevent children from being removed from their families and to have children remain in their parents care following discharge from the program.
To assist in the reunification of children with their family whenever safe and possible.
Helping families to identify their strengths and building on them.
Assisting parent to develop effective child management skills, so they can parent their children in a positive, constructive, and healthy manner.
Teaching daily living skills and personal wellness.
Reducing destructive behaviors in families and strengthen parent/child attachment.
To reduce the families isolation and increase their involvement in community life.
To teach parents how to access community resources, so they can engage the resources once they are no longer