Fee Information
Fee Information
Counselling Fee Information
All fees are based on a “sliding-scale” which takes into account not only your income, but your family size as well. No one will be refused a service due to the inability to pay.
Employee Assistance Plans
This program is based on contractual arrangements with employers to provide counselling and educational services to their employees and their families. The primary purpose is to provide confidential counselling to employees and their families with problems that could affect their personal and on-the-job functioning.
Family Life Education Programs
The Family Life Education program attempts to contribute to harmonious family relationships, strengthen Christian values in family life and promote healthy interpersonal relationships for all family members. In particular, the Family Life Program has as its major emphasis the enrichment of family life generally and the prevention of problems for specific families. These are planned interventions that aid individuals and families through an educational and group sharing process. All programs are run on a fee-for-service basis. Inability to pay will be discussed and, with the prior approval of the Family Life Education Coordinator, the possibility of partial-sponsorship will be advised, based on need.