Marriage Preparation
Martin & Marie
The class will be taught by Martin and Marie Kondzielewski who have been married for sixteen years this fall and have been teaching the marriage preparation course since their second year of marriage. According to Martin and Marie, “Leading the marriage preparation course has given [them] a stronger marriage. You can’t stand before the people and teach it unless you live it.”
The class consists of sessions that include a talk and time for reflexive exercises that get the engaged couple to start thinking about certain issues like finances or conflict and opens up a dialogue between the two partners.
When asked what factors lead to a good working marriage they state:
A good marriage is joyous and peaceful
Communication is key
Sharing expectations
Learning to listen to each other
Being open to change
A deep desire to solving problems that come your way
Both Martin, a television producer at Access Communication for twenty years, and Marie, an educator in the Catholic School System, have learned a lot of their communication and problem solving skills from their employment, but having a committed partner is even more critical as expressed by Martin: “You must trust in your other's love and give yours wholeheartedly.” Martin and Marie have three children: a daughter and two sons.
Planning a Christian marriage? Learn about spiritual life, communication, finances, family planning, friendship, budgeting and more. Marriage preparation classes are offered to all Christian denominations.
Space is limited, and the program operates on a first come first served basis. You must call 306-525-0521 to register and reserve a place in the group.
2020 Dates: September 11th & 12th, October 16th & 17th, November 20th & 21st
Times: Friday 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm & Saturday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm.
Cost: $200.00/couple - group.
Marriage and Relationships: Preparation and Preservation - Keys to Enduring Happiness
The miracle of a great marriage or even a good marriage is no accident. Preparation, planning, shoring up, rebuilding are all necessary components of a successful marriage. Nine out of 10 Canadians marry at least once; 4 out of 10 first marriages end in divorce. This book is a marriage preparation; it is also a valuable tool for marriage preservation dealing with communication and conflict resolution, sexual intimacy, blended families, financial planning and more. Written by David Sax, Jim Appleby and Vincent Murphy, this 126-page couples workbook is filled with useful information, good humour, and nuggets of wisdom with sixteen couple exercises and several handouts.
The Facilitators
Sarah & Kevin
Kevin and Sarah have been married since 2009. Teaching the marriage preparation course is a new adventure for them and allows them to be involved in the Catholic community while sharing information and lessons learned with engaged couples.
For Kevin, a stay at home father, and Sarah, an Optometrist, they say that it is important in our marriage to remember “ we are 'on the same team”. We believe that happiness and joy in our marriage come from having:
Common beliefs and values
Trust in each other
Humor and the ability to laugh together
The ability to work together and
The desire to put each other first
Kevin and Sarah have four children.
Brad & Wendy
Wendy and Brad met as volunteer dance instructors for the Regina Ballroom Dancing Club, but soon discovered they had a lot more in common than dancing. They were married in January 1998 and soon became presenters at marriage preparation courses. They also took leadership roles in some of the marriage programs offered at the diocese. " Engaged encounters and marriage preparation courses are an excellent way to intellectually prepared for the relationship ahead but don't let your relationship training stop there. Take advantage of the many programs available to married couples to help develop your relationship to be all that it can be. I wouldn't teach for 30 years without taking some additional professional training to make me a better teacher. Why on earth wouldn't I want to do something to make me a better husband? It should be at least as important to take care of your marriage as it is your career! "
Brad and Wendy love to teach through analogies and metaphors. During their marriage preparation weekend they will share sound theoretical research and some personal anecdotes that they feel illustrate the key ingredients of a healthy relationship. They call it recipe for a happy marriage. Understanding how each ingredient in a recipe affects the overall dish gives us the ability to adjust the proportions and add new spices to come up with the most enjoyable flavor. Wendy and Brad hope to give couples the tools to do the same in their marriages.
Brad has been an educator in the Regina Catholic School System for over 30 years. Wendy has been working as a Child Life Specialist with the Regina Qu`Appelle Health District for over 20 years. They have three boys who are active in their church and community.