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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I use CFS Regina's services if I am not Catholic?
    Yes we offer our services to anyone and everyone that needs our help, living by our motto; Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors.
  • How do you get your funding?
    We are an independent non-profit organization, so although we receive some funding through government, we rely heavily on the generosity of public donations. Each and every contribution ensures we can provide the best services to as many of our community members as possible. Today's Revenues to operate CFSS come from: Ministry of Social Services, 61% United Way of Regina, 9.5% Fees, 21.5% Archdiocese of Regina, 3% CFSS Foundation Inc. ,2% Employee Assistance Programs ,2.5% Other, 0.5%
  • What if I can't afford your services?
    Here at CFS Regina, to ensure are serivces are avialiable to all, we use a sliding scale to asses the cost. That means that we take into consideration your income and your family size and are able to adjust our fees accordingly. No one will be refused a service for the inability to pay. Families First and Family Support are also free services, ensuring yout family can get the support it needs.
  • Are you apart of the Ministry of Social Services?
    No, while we are partnered with the MSS, recieving funding and refferrals from them, CFS Regina is its own independant organization and not a government agency.
  • Do donations made to CFS Regina qualify for a Saskatchewan Charitable Donations tax credit?
    Yes, donations get a tax deductible receipt but if you use our services like counselling for example this is not tax deductible.
  • Why choose Catholic services?
    Many people find their faith a source of strength and purpose. CFS Regina recognizes the importance of the spiritual dimension of our lives, which is reflected in our programs and services. Even though the agency has a Catholic orientation, services are available to all persons wishing to use them. The agency is respectful of the various religious denominations, world religions and value systems.
  • How much will it cost?
    Our fee is $110.00/ hour session with a counsellor. We do take into consideration income and family size so this fee may be reduced depending on your situation. No one will be refused a service for the inability to pay. We have various classes as well and each has a separate fee. The cost for our Families First and Family Support is completely free.
  • How can I get support from a Family Support or Families First worker?
    To access support from Families First or Family Support you can call the agency ( 306 525-0521) and ask for Charlotte –she will explain both programs, and find out the best way to refer and the best fit. You may self refer, have another agency refer, or have Ministry of Social Services refer.
  • How do I get a Youth Mentor for my son or daughter?
    The Youth Mentor program is intended for providing Youth Mentors for youth who are wards of the province and youth can be referred to the program through their social worker. If you have a child that you would like to receive a Youth Mentor we can facilitate that but you must pay for the service and priority on the waitlist is given to children who are wards of the province.
  • How can I become a Youth Mentor?
    Youth Mentorship is a paid position that commits to work a certain number of hours each week providing learning opportunities and entertainment to children that are wards of the province. If you would like to learn more about how to become a Youth Mentor talk to Carmen at Catholic Family Services; 306-525-0521.
  • What if the Ministry of Social Services or another agency is saying we have to work with you. Is it mandatory?
    No, both Families First and Family Support are voluntary programs and no one is forced to work with us if they don't want to.
  • What is counselling?
    Counselling involves meeting with a trained professional who can help you cope with, work on, and resolve many different kinds of problems. Counselling can also help you learn about yourself, explore problems, and help you make difficult decisions.
  • Who can go to counselling?
    Counseling is for anyone with issues that they would like to talk about. Our counselling services are available to individuals, couples and families.
  • Is there a fee for your counselling services?
    The full fee for our counseling services is $110/hour-long session. If you cannot afford this fee then we will be happy to discuss our sliding fee scale with you. This allows us to adjust our fees accordingly based on your income and family size. Please note that no one will be refused counseling services based on an inability to pay.
  • Do you provide counselling services to children?
    We are able to provide counselling to children aged 8 years and up, provided that the issues being addressed are those that our counsellors are qualified to work with. Please note that the written consent of both parents is required for any child under the age of 16 to participate in counselling.
  • Are there topics that your counsellors do not address in counselling?
    Our counsellors are very willing to work with you on the issues that you would like to address, however if you require more specialized services than we can offer then we will likely refer you to another agency. Such specialized services may address issues related to addictions, severe mental health concerns, sexual assault and/or abuse issues, physical health/disability concerns and crisis/emergency issues.
  • How long can I be involved in counselling?
    Here at CFS we use a brief, strength based approach to counselling. As such our counselling often ranges anywhere from a single session to twelve sessions depending on your needs. No one will be turned away if you require further sessions, however your counsellor may re-evaluate your goals with you to determine if CFS is still able to meet your needs. If however you are looking for a long-term psychotherapy approach, we are probably not the best fit for you.
  • What are your counsellors' qualifications?
    All of our counselors have both the relevant education and experience required to practice counseling. In addition they are each registered members of their professional association, whether it is the Saskatchewan Association of Social Workers, the Saskatchewan College of Psychologists or the Canadian Counseling and Psychotherapy Association.
  • What is your agency’s stance on separation and divorce?
    CFS is committed to the philosophical position of the Catholic Church regarding the sanctity of marriage and the importance of the family. However, in situations where there is "irretrievable breakdown" in the marriage, it is the response of our agency to assist these families to adjust and respond to the changes in a positive and constructive manner.
  • How do I make a counselling appointment?
    Please contact (306) 525-0521 and you will be put in touch with an intake counselor. There is a brief intake assessment that must be completed before you can access our counselling services.
  • What is your agency’s policy on confidentiality?
    All information obtained by agency staff in the course of providing services to you will be treated in a confidential manner. No information pertaining to your situation will be disclosed to persons outside of Catholic Family Services. For more information and exceptions to this policy please see the Catholic Family Services Confidentially Agreement.
  • Do you provide off-site or e-counselling?
    At this time the only counseling services that we are able to provide are in office.
  • How quickly can I get in for counselling?
    Due to our small counseling staff and the high demand for our services, there is normally a waitlist for our counseling services. An intake worker will be able to give you an approximate wait time during your intake call, at which point you can choose to go on our waitlist or explore other options.
  • Will my Employee Assistance Plan or my insurance benefits cover counselling with CFS?
    EAP programs are based on contractual arrangements with employers to provide counselling and educational services to their employees and their families. We do have many such arrangements with employers in Saskatchewan. Please check with your EAP representative to determine whether your plan covers counseling with CFS or another service provider. Every insurance company/plan addresses the coverage of counseling differently. Please look into the specifics of your benefits to determine what your insurer requires for counseling to be covered. If our counselors meet the requirements needed by your insurance company then you may certainly access our counseling services. If your EAP or insurance benefits do not cover counseling at CFS but you still wish to access our services then we will be happy to discuss our sliding fee scale with you.
  • Can I see a counsellor in the evening?
    Yes on Wednesdays & Thursdays we have counsellors who are able to work until 8:00 pm.
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