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Referral Information

Many of our clients are referred to us by the Ministry Of Social Services. We have a number of programs that are block funded by Social Services. We have provided some of the referral forms to be faxed in for specific programs but it is always a good idea to call Catholic Family Services Regina (306) 525-0521 with any questions you may have or to determine if your client is a good candidate for the program. 


Two of our block funded programs Families First and Family Support, are catered to families with children who are in need of protection as defined by the "Child and Family Services Act"  Family support services are offered to reduce risk and build on family strengths. The intent of the "Family Support" program is to provide services to high risk families in their home and community. The intent of "Families First" is to provide services to high risk families with at least one child under age 5 and their siblings and parents.


Please fill out the Family Support/Families First Referral Form and fax it in to: (306) 522-3775 or if you need more information please contact the Family Support/Families First Supervisor at (306) 525-0521. The Family Support Program requires a contract as well as a referral form if the Ministry of Social Services is referring. (Agencies and families can refer themselves as well using community hours – in which case a referral form is all we need.)


RIFT (Rapid Intervention for Family Treatment) is a family therapy service for families in crisis offered by contractual agreement with Saskatchewan Ministry of Social Services, and Family and Youth Services, Youth Unit. The form should be faxed in (306) 522-3775 and addressed attention to intake worker. 


RAPS (Resolving Adolescent – Parent Strife)

RAPS is a service similar to RIFT for youth age 16-17. When parents are available and willing to attend along with the teen, the focus is on negotiation to resolve conflicts and establish a living together contract. Service will be provided for the youth alone when the parent(s) is unavailable, so that a stable and healthy living situation can be established.

Both the RIFT and RAPS program are blocked funded through social services. There is no charge to families for participating in the programs.


Reaching Out

This psycho-educational group offers support, problem solving and education to parents coping with the challenges of youth. The group is funded by MSS. Referrals are received from the Ministry or community agencies, or by self referral.

The group runs for a 10 week period and covers topics such as: redefining authority, encouraging your teen, goals of behavior, discipline, self-care, communication, anger and forgiveness.


We also provide Individual and Family Counselling Services through block funding with Social Services. You may refer your clients to our counsellors or they can contact us directly to make an appointment with a counsellor who has a background in Social Work or Counselling. Phone (306) 525-0521 or email Intake forms should be faxed to 306 522-3775 and be addressed to our intake workers.


The Youth Mentor Program is a fee for service program that matches youth who are wards of the province, ages 6-18, with an adult role model. The youth are referred by the Ministry of Social Services. Please fill out the Youth Mentor Referral Form and fax it in to: (306) 522-3775 or if you need more information please contact: the Program Supervisor at (306) 525-0521. The Youth Mentor Program requires a contract as well as referral form.


The Young Parent Program is another program that we offer that receives referrals from Social Services. The Young Parent support program provides services to parents, 25 years and younger, and their children. The emphasis of the program is on parent/child interaction and creating opportunities to strengthen the parent/child relationship. Clients can self refer to this program or their Social Service Worker can refer them. Please talk to the Program Coordinator at (306) 525-0521 to find out what is being offered and if it is a good fit for your client.


The Newcomer Career & Support Services Centre offers both career and family support programs. You can contact our office at (306) 525-0039 for more information. Both programs have their own referral form, with the Newcomer Career referral listed first, followed by the Newcomer Family support referral.

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