Young Parent Program ~
It's officially Spring time here in Regina! Upon my daily walks I've noticed that most of our snow is gone (at least up until last night!), there is some greenery coming back to life and there is plenty of sidewalk art.
What a perfect opportunity to begin talking about the seasons in your home, with some fun and simple activities! Below are links that will take you to our website where you can access the printable worksheets. These activities were found on, visit the website if you're interested in more. They have tips and work sheets that span over many grades and subjects!
The grade level of these activities ranges from Pre-School to Grade One. Feel free to print them out and begin talking about all things Spring: flowers, bees, gardens and the return of many hibernating animals!
The work sheets focus on counting, colours, fine motor skills & following step-by-step directions.
PRO TIP: Set the stage for learning by doing the following:
Allow your child to work through activities at their own pace and be present with them as they work away.
Be near in case your child has questions or wants you to share in their joy.
Limit distractions (cell phones, television, tablets, etc.).
Provide the tools necessary to complete the project (scissors, glue, tape, crayons, etc.).
Take Care Everyone!
- Jamie, Young Parent Program Coordinator
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